Friday, January 7, 2011

Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Bird Bird Bird, Bird is The word...

So within in a week I've heard 3 references to the ba ba bird is the word song. Once from a co-worker at Starbucks, one on one of the sites for trolling, and today on the radio. Is there some meaning with this song other than being on family guy? So weird to hear that song and not once or twice but three times.
Moving on...

So today is First Friday so excited! Though it won't be the same since Paddy's Well isn't performing, I still get to listen to great Irish music, eat, drink, and see friends and family. That is if the snow doesn't stop me but hopefully it will stop snowing so I can go. I'm bringing my camera so I can take nice shots of the band now that I have a zoom lens. Need to test it out tonight.

I need to start doing more with the blog. I'm going to try to set up a picture section (hopefully) to showcase my very raw and untrained photography.

Hope everyone has a nice day!


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