Monday, January 31, 2011

Free Egypt

So I'm not really a political person but every where you turn from the internet, tv, radio, newspapers, the top stories have been about Egypt and how the people want their President Mubarak ousted. From what I heard, which could be very one sided, I hope he does flee and these people gain their freedom back. For the government to go so far as cutting off their communication, that's very sad. But to find a silver lining to this very dark cloud over Egypt, a media site posted posters/signs from those protesting all over the world. I thought they were very creative. Below are just a few I liked. To view the rest go to

Translation: "Leave already my arm is hurting"

Friday, January 28, 2011

Muppet Balloons

While scowering the internet I came across the Black Cat Balloon Company which made balloon animals that resemble the muppets. I thought it was pretty cool and something fun to look at on a Friday.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Seb Janiak

By multi-tasking I found a photgrapher that I love. Of course this is just one of many photgraphers that I love but I wanted to share some beautiful work. To see more visit:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Senseless Act

On the Elvis Duran and the Morning show this morning, they took time out from their crazy/funny/ridiculous topics to touch upon a sad topic that is happening across the country. Already in 2011 there have been 10 officers killed by gunfire in the line of duty. "In the past several days, police and U.S. marshals have been shot in the line of duty in St. Petersburg and Miami, Fla.; Detroit; Indianapolis; and Lincoln City, Ore.; in addition to Sunday's shooting in Port Orchard, Kitsap County. With the recent spate of shootings targeting law enforcement — eight on Sunday alone — "it's been a tough new year after a tough 2010,"said Steve Groeninger, a spokesman for the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. The nonprofit organization, in Washington, D.C., tracks fatalities." - (The Seattle Times) To read more go to

It is a shame that these officers are losing their lives while serving warrants or doing "routine" traffic stops. It is a shame. As Elvis Duran said this morning, the next time you are pulled over for speeding, no headlights, going through a stop sign, etc., just remember that every time the officer gets out of their car, they are unsure what will happen, that moment could be their last. Take the time to thank them for what they do. They might be surprised but it would be a small gesture on your part.

If you would like more information or to make a donation to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund you can go to their Facebook page under the same name or to their website

Monday, January 24, 2011


So for about a couple years I've supported a non-profit called To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA). This organization is wonderful.  TWLOHA has really helped me. I owe them a lot. Here is a bit of information about them.
Taken from the FB page:
To Write Love On Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery.

You can go to their FB page to view their company overview. You can show support by making donations, spreading the word, or even buying their awesome merchandise. Here are a few of my favorite.


Silhouette Masterpiece Theater

I came across this artist name Wilhelm Staehle. His work is pretty neat. He does silhouettes but incorporates statements with them that make them clever or funny. Below are some of the ones I liked. To see the rest go to or to see his other work:


I know I said that I wouldn't use this as a place to write negative things, however at this present time I don't have anyone to talk to since I can't call my friends while I'm working.... and I'm always working. I figured maybe writing it on here might help my mood today since I guess all the bad stuff is shining through to the point people are asking if I'm ok.
On Friday I got in a big fight with my mom. Result was she doesn't think I listen to what she has to say and she thinks everyone is against her and no one is listening to her and always putting her down. This is after she tried telling a story about someone at her work. My sister made a comment "oh this again" and decided to play on her phone while I (not really wanting to hear this again) did pay attention and listened to what she had to say. Then on the way home from the restaurant she told me something that she wanted to do but I thought she said at a later time but she wanted it done right then and there. So because I mistakenly heard her wrong and tried to correct it she got mad to the point of slamming doors. AWESOME. So I have not spoken to my mom since Friday because of this. As for the other person in my house, my sister.
On Saturday she decided to go get food for the house but was told from my mom to get food for herself. That's all fine and good but it was with the money I paid for the phone bill and apparently the food was only for her in a house that has no food to begin with. So she gets mad because I had one personal pizza of hers that somehow thwarted the entire eating schedule she had planned out for the food. Meanwhile, I'm sure her boyfriend can have any food that he wants.
I'm just so tired of it all. I'm tired for being blamed for not listening when I am, making people starve themselves, for working 3 jobs and still not having money to pay bills, not seeing or talking to my friends, still living at home and dealing with crap, being overweight and not being able to change. I'm just tired.

Well this didn't really help the way I wanted it. I think I'm more upset now then I was before I wrote this. I thought writing things down was supposed to help? Just my luck.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


After coming home from work the last thing I wanted before going to sleep was to get in a fight. But getting in a fight in my mom is what I did. To find comfort I turned to Facebook to get my mind off of things. I come across a status update from my friend Cheryl: "Sometimes when i miss my college friends I randomly yell out "whiiiittttaaayyyy" and it brings me back to July 2010." This just reminds me how much I miss my friends. There are about 11 of us that are really close. We try to meet up every year on a vacation but usually that only includes about half of us. The first time we all were together since graduation was at Stephanie's wedding. It's unique for 11 girls to be close friends. But I consider them my best friends and I also consider myself very lucky to have them in my life. When times get tough, they are the ones I go to for help and support. We've had many nicknames for our group (well at least I had nicknames for us) such as Rosies, Bias, Posse, or as my dad calls us, the Irish Mafia. But no matter what they are my best friends. I really hope everyone has a chance to have a great group of girl friends or guy friends that they can turn to. Never take them for granted and always remind them how much they mean to you.

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