Thursday, July 14, 2011


There is a t.v. show that I'm obsessed with called So You Think You Can Dance. It's the dance version of American Idol. This year there are some very strong contenders and already there are some memorable performances. Below are some of my favorites from this season so far. Melanie & Marko's Statue Routine Melanie & Marko Hip Hop Routine Melanie and Marko Jazz Routine Melanie and Marko JazzSasha and Alexander Contemp Tadd and Jordan Hip Hop Tadd and Jordan Waltz Tadd and Jordan Volture Routine Clarice and Jess Contemp Jess and Clarice Cathedrals Routine Clarice and Jess Lyrical Hip ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What you wish you could say.

A friend of mine posted on facebook some of these cards. They are hilarious. Here are some I liked. ...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Confusion and Annoyance

On Saturday my mom and I were supposed to meet with our trainer to do our evals and measurements. However, the trainer we signed up with, Alberto, was out sick. At that time, another trainer, Tyler, who was coming in on his off day to do a little workout of his own got roped into working. Now I know all too well about going to your work on your off day and being asked to work, it's happened to me in the past. Though you're annoyed, you do your job anyway and try not to let the customer know of your irritation. However, Tyler didn't understand this concept. No only were we painfully aware of him having to work on his only day off, but he just wasn't putting much effort into anything and making us feel comfortable. Throughout the entire hour we were reminded how he isn't supposed to be working,...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 1

So today marks 1 year until one of my best friends gets married. My goal is to have a 37.74% weight loss. I was going to use the Paleo diet as a way to help, however after talking with a cousin of mine and looking at it more realistically, I have opted not to be that extreme. I would have been setting myself up for failure. So instead I will still use WW as my guide and be a little more diligent with picking good foods over the bad foods and be a little more careful when it comes to alcohol. I also signed up at a new gym last night. Including with the package that we (my mom and I) chose, we have the help of a personal trainer. Within 6 months...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Challenge Accepted

Last night my friend Cheryl posted a link on my website: 60 Pounds Over Weight to 6-pack Abs: A Success Story. To sum it up, a guy placed a bet with his friends that he would cut his body percentage in half and get in the single digits before his wedding in June 2011. Did I mention he made this bet Dec 2010 and started it in Jan 2011. Grant it he has for the past 2 years worked on his weight but he plateaued after that and that's what motivated him. This being said, one of my best friends is getting married in June 2012. So starting one year from the wedding, June 16, 2011, my friend Cheryl, her sister Jill, and I will begin this crazy bet....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The other night I was watching Jerseylicious (don't judge). In the episode, Olivia made a visual board that has her dreams on it. Of course her dreams were about owning a certain cat, living in an apartment of her dreams, and having certain make up brushes. She was talking about putting out positive energy and having the visual board somewhere near so she always sees it (at home or at work). I need more positive energy while I'm at work so I figured I would make my own so I can look at it everyday and understand why I go through the hell I do from day to day: To one day have my dreams. I encourage everyone (if anyone reads this) to create...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Exercising for prizes

I know exercising can be dull and sometimes you're not motivated enough to get off your couch. Well I found this cool pedometer watch that keeps track of how long you exercise. Every 60 minutes you work out, you will get a code to redeem for gift cards to places like Best Buy, Sears, etc. The watches only cost $19.95. I need to get one asap, maybe it will help motivate me to get out there and get movi...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mary Kay Head to Toe Beauty Bash

Do you want to know what the latest trends for Spring/Summer are? Our Mary Kay unit is having a Head to Toe Beauty Bash. There will be four business attending. One for hair - to give you the new trend in hairstyles. One for clothes - hot new looks for spring/summer. One for shoes - what woman doesn't want to know about shoes. One for make-up - Our very own Michaela Parlett giving you the "in" look for make-up. Want to attend? Let me know! They are looking to have it on May 26, 2011 in Exton, ...

7 tips for handling a mean manager

Now how do I get my boss' to read this? Hmm.... Michelle Ward has worked for a slew of mean managers in her career. One of the most notable, she says, was a bully. "The better you did your work, the more he'd verbally abuse you," she recalls. The second was when she was an assistant to an executive who made her unpack five boxes -- which she had spent all day packing -- so he could have diet orange soda when he came into the office that night.But Ward, now a career coach, says that dealing with these types of managers came down to one thing: standing up for herself."By standing up for myself and/or not engaging, it allowed me to keep...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Monty Python Status Day

Today, besides being the day of my birth, is International Monty Python Status Day '11. Since Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of my favorite movies. I couldn't pick just one quote. Therefore, below are video clips of my favorite parts/quotes from the movie. Black Knight Bridge of Death Rabbit/ Holy Hand Grenade Witch Bring Out Your De...

Monday, May 9, 2011

4 down

On Easter I started my new adventure for weight loss. This time trying to find something that I will stick with and knowing that this is something I will have to stick with until the day I die. This in mind, I thought Weight Watchers would be an excellent choice for me. It allows me to eat the foods I want so therefore I won't be falling off any wagon and it's a more realistic weight loss/diet method than I have seen. Since Easter (April 24, 2011) I have lost 4 lbs. That's 2 lbs a week. And what makes this more exciting is that not only have I not worked out yet (which will help with more lbs. per week lost in the beginning stages) but I don't...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


To pass the time and smile a little, I recorded some of the funny status' I've found regarding Osama Bin Laden's Death. It's amazing how quickly the jokes had started. Carmen Sandiago your next “England, your wedding was nice, and Imma let you finish, but USA has the best news of all time.” Even the hipsters are rejoicing            -that’s because osama is like, soooo underground Dear England, we see your royal wedding and raise you one Bin Laden’s Death. Love America In his last act of terrorism, Osama Bin Laden is blowing up my facebook newsfeed So they finally killed Bin Laden!           ...

Monday, April 25, 2011

100 Workout

Going to the gym is one of the things that I'm going to be doing again. But until I find out if I still belong and figuring out finances, I figured I would try this. Of course the running for me might end up being a jog/fast walk but I need to work out in baby steps since it's been almost a year since I've been to the g...

Day 2 of the rest of my life

I recently started Weight Watchers. Recently being yesterday, yes, on Easter. Probably the worst day to start and seeing my point count for that day tells me it was a bad day to start. So today I tried to be a little better. Too bad I spent half of my points for the day just this morning. This point counting is definitely make me rethink what I'm eating (which I guess is the whole point of this). I'm still a bit confused on some things and trying to make more conscience decisions but I'm sure time with help with that. I've only heard good things with WW so I'm hoping that a yo-yo dieter like myself will finally have a longtime/lifetime...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Calling all Bia's!

Calling all my friends from RC that graduated 2006. I know we have walked away from Rosemont with many memories from the 4 years we went there plus another 5 after graduation. But what are those memories. I want a running list of what you remember. You favorite memory, a song that reminds you of something, a quote, etc. What do you remember. Below is a list of things we already have. Can you remember anything else? Songs: Shake Ya Tail Feather - Nelly I Believe in a Thing Called Love - The Darkness Get Low - Lil' Jon Like a Prayer - Madonna Ironic - Alanis Riding Dirty - Flo Rider Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Africa - Toto Your Love - The...

Something Better Than This

Everyday I wake up, get dressed, and go to a job that I loathe. It's not necessarily the job it's self that I don't like. I actually like that part. It's the people. There are only a select few that I like working with....3 to be exact in a 7 person office space. Everyone knows everything (because people spy and listen in on conversations), praising some one's work is non-existent, belittling someone is the norm, and hygiene is just not thought of. Of course the people I have problems with are the managers so bringing my concerns up with them gets me know where. I am told I am disrespectful or ungrateful when I voice my opinions/stand up for...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 year old mind set

A friend on facebook posted a video of "Pool Party" by the Olsen twins. Of course this made me think of the numerous videos they did. I'm not just talking about To Grandmother's House We Go. I mean Passport to Paris, Winning London, Our Lips are Sealed, Holiday in the Sun, When in Rome, Billboard Dad, etc. Man I miss those movies. So of course I had to youtube them. For my, and maybe your, viewing pleasure, here are the youtube links for these fabulous movies. Passport to Paris Winning London Holiday in the Sun When in Rome Our Lips are Sealed Billboard Dad Getting There It Takes Two Switching Goa...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fred and Friends

StumbleUpon has become my new outlet for when I'm bored and have exhausted my other forms of entertainment. While on StumbleUpon I cam across the company of Fred and Friends. The StumbleUpon site showed me "82 Clever and Creative Fred and Friends Products". I'm in love with a lot, if not all of the products. Below are just a few that I love. Definitely unique products to spice up your home and office! ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Toon IRL

Ever wonder what a cartoon would look like in real life? Well below are some that a 3D artist, Raoni Nery, did. You can see what Buzz Lightyear, Jessica Rabbit, Mario, and Homer Simpson would look like if they were real people....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Street Art Utopia

Around the world, there are incredibly talented people bringing a little joy to the ordinary lives of others. Below are just a few of the art pieces I like. To see more, "Like" Street Art Utopia. ...

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