Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Way to set yourself up

The plan for February is to limit potato in my diet. When I think of potato I don't think of sweet potatoes as being included but I really need to remember to limit the intake with them as well. That being said, what do I have for lunch today but a potato soup from the cafeteria. WTG Meg. It's the first day of the month and have the one food that you're supposed to eat less of. I need to stop setting myself up for failure and start really thinking about the choices I make. I'm just going to accept I made a mistake and move on. I used up 1 out of the 4 times I'm allowing myself to have potato this month. Hopefully I won't be so careless with my choices next time. 

I also need to remember to take a photo of me. I decided, after reading the article in nerd fitness about the guy who lost 128lbs in 10 months, to take a photo of myself instead of weighing myself. Since weight is just a number and it fluctuates depending on muscle, the time of the month, or what you ate the night before. I'm also a more visual person when it comes to things so I think having a picture would help me more than a number.
Here's to being FabuLESS!


JAC said...

I have found the following diet to really really work for me...limit yourself to 300 calories for Breakfast, 400 for Lunch and 500 for dinner and 300 for snacks. I do cheat and move the numbers around between meals but do stick to the 1500 calories a day. I have also signed up on sparkpeople and follow their fitness routine each workday. I spread the exercises out throughout the day.

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