Sunday, February 26, 2012

Almost 2 months in

It has almost been two months since I've started really cutting out grains and trying to keep track with WW and I have lost 11lbs so far. Of course if I was losing the normal 2lbs a week than that means I should have lost 16 lbs by now but I'm happy with myself since I have eaten some junk (ice cream, potatoes, etc). For let I did give up potatoes and I think that's helping with the weight loss since I'm not overcompensating not having bread by having potatoes. We'll see how well this goes in the coming days/weeks.  But I was so happy when I weighed myself and I was down 11lbs since the New Year. It won't be long until I'm excited about losing 30, 50, or even 100lbs. Just have to keep on keeping on...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Way to set yourself up

The plan for February is to limit potato in my diet. When I think of potato I don't think of sweet potatoes as being included but I really need to remember to limit the intake with them as well. That being said, what do I have for lunch today but a potato soup from the cafeteria. WTG Meg. It's the first day of the month and have the one food that you're supposed to eat less of. I need to stop setting myself up for failure and start really thinking about the choices I make. I'm just going to accept I made a mistake and move on. I used up 1 out of the 4 times I'm allowing myself to have potato this month. Hopefully I won't be so careless with my choices next time.  I also need to remember to take a photo of me. I decided, after reading the article in nerd fitness about the guy who lost...

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