Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's been awhile

I've been MIA from here, per usual. I usually have those moments when I blog everyday and then go missing for a couple months. I'm hoping to use this more as a way to help me lose weight then anything else, not like anyone would read it. It's more for personal use anyway.

I started another weight loss journey. I'm optimistic this one will stick. I feel as though I'm more focused on it this time. I've cut out carbs (i.e. breads, cakes, cookies, grains). I still eat potatoes (no way I could give those up). I'm very proud of myself. I went a full 7 days of no carbs until I slipped on Saturday after a night of drinking and not eating dinner. I just couldn't give up that amoroso roll with the cheesesteak. But instead of holding it against me, I accept the slip up and have moved on. I'm doing really well with Weight Watchers again since giving up breads. I don't have all my points going to them so I'm able to eat more.

After one week I'm down 3lbs! That is without working out. I've also have been doing well with keeping at/under my point values for the day. Something I was failing at doing last week but have gotten better with this week. A lot of it has to deal with breakfast. I still need to find a good fast food breakfast that doesn't have bagels, muffins, etc. and doesn't kill my point values in one sitting.

I'm hoping to be more committed with working out starting next week. I'm going to try BodyRock. I'll blog my results for those as well.

Until next time....


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