Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PSA: Liquor Sale!

That's right. Starting March 1st, PA Liquor stores will begin to sell 400 products at clearance prices. This is a result of the stores discontinuing those products. So I know what I will be doing come March 1st. STOCKING UP. Some of the products I will be stocking up on include, Smirnoff, Baileys, Bushmills, Captain Morgain, Kahlua and Jose Cuervo. Oh I might even try the Rosemount brands just because of the name :) For more info and a complete list of the clearance prices visit:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I found this when I was looking for picture of "happiness" for this post. This was written by another blogger  Adila:     "If you ask me, I cold list out thousands of reasons why I am unhappy; I'm not clever enough, I don't know what to do with my life, I weigh way too much, I can't stop eating, I wish I'm someone else, I wish I enjoy life more, I've been told I'm such a useless person, I could do nothing, I'm such a burden, I can't even survive on my own, etc etc. But I know that if I keep on thinking negatively, I'm pretty sure I'll live a miserable, gloomy life for the rest of my life. That sounds...SAD! Do I want to feel...

Survial Straps

Taking a dive right back into this blog. Long days at work have kept me from keeping up with this but hopefully I can multi-task a little bit. So today I'm featuring Survival Straps. They are woven "bracelets" that are made of paracord that can be unwoven and used if needed. They are pretty cool, nice looking, and practical. They are becoming more popular. My cousin in the Air Force actually sent one to my sister. Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous. There's a FB fan page for the company Survival Straps. Take a look. Here are a few of them....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Long time

It's been so long that I just wanted to make a post. However, I don't have anything new or interesting to report because of how busy I've been. Other than I applied for my dream job (visitor service assistant for the Holocaust museum). The job posting closes today so *FINGERS CROSSED*. That's about it. Hope all are we...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Facebook is Everywhere

Came across this on a site. It's going to be a commercial for the Super Bowl. Apparently you can check Facebook hands-free in your car while driving. All you need is a Chevy Cru...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Galway Girl

As many people know, even though I am a mutt when it comes to ancestry, I relate mostly with being Irish. I love the music, culture, and of course the beer :) This being said. I am DETERMINED to go to Ireland next year. I'm thinking May... for my bday of course. I'm hoping to put money away little by little and have enough by that time. Even though I can't forsee certain obstacles, I know it may not happen so I am determined to make it there before I turn 30. So either May of '12 or '13 I will be in Ireland! Who's with ...

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